About Humidors Fine Cigars have two major enemies, dry air and tobacco beetles. Allowing a cigar to dry out encourages the evaporation of chemicals called oleoresins that contribute to the cigar's taste. A cigar that has dried out to much will have lost some of its natural flavor. Tobacco beetles are a naturally occurring problem, since the eggs are generally in the cigar when you buy it. When they hatch, the little critters chew their way out, leaving behind a small hole in the wrapper which ruins the draw and makes it difficult to smoke. A humidor helps protect your cigars from both these enemies. A good humidor must be air tight and should be lined with Spanish Cedar which is a natural insecticide. The snug fitting lid helps keep moisture inside and the lining helps deter tobacco beetles. The humidor can also be equipped with a Hygrometer to measure humidity and a humidifier to help adjust the humidity. New developments have made humidity control almost automatic. Legacy Hardwood Humidors The Humidors shown on this page are constructed of selected hardwoods. Each Humidor is lined with Spanish Cedar to protect your cigars and comes equipped with a Hygrometer / Humidifier. We build four standard sizes as listed below. The Medium, Large and Super units include a drop-in tray to hold a second layer of cigars. The Small units are lined without dividers or tray. We try to cut the pieces for each Humidor from a single board, and the pieces are cut so the grain on the front and ends matches. This makes the whole piece unique unto itself. The design of the box lid seal creates a long air path when the lid is closed, which makes the humidor more air tight without making it difficult to open. {Insert photo here} The corners are joined using a special locking miter that makes for a very strong, air tight joint. We use precision solid brass hardware on all our Humidors. This hardware is several times more expensive than the 'Box Store' grade, but we believe it is worth the extra cost. Some finishes have a long total cure time, they feel dry and hard but are not totally cured. During the curing process most finishes release various chemicals, none of which you want in your cigar. We never apply finish to the inside of the box to prevent changing the character of your cigars. All boxes also have a felt bottom lining to prevent scratching.
Beyond the standard features discussed above, each Humidor is one of a kind. The material is selected for each item to take advantage of grain figuring. Moldings and accents are selected to make each piece unique. The Humidors shown may be in stock and ready for shipment (All items are subject to prior sale). Special orders are always accepted. Specify size, and material for a specific quote, or email for consultation. Copyright ©
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